Life to Date In Kind Donations

We rely on the generosity of our friends, neighbors, and local businesses to donate goods and services to support HOT’s mission. Since our inception 360 generous friends, neighbors and local businesses have given over $100,000 worth of goods and services to HOT. This support is what makes HOT possible and what allows us to bring people together to deliver a magical and joyful experience to struggling children in the West Valley. We are grateful for everyone’s continued big-heartedness towards HOT.

Donor list last updated 12-05-2024

Blaze Level Sponsors
Fair Market Value

Barbara Robbins
Barnwood Bob
Beth and Wendy McGee
Buckeye Fire-Medical-Rescue Department
Eileen and Jim Brisbine

Flame Level Donors
($1,000 – $4,999)
Fair Market Value

Ann Marie Pomerinke
Blue Daisy Spa
Bobbi and Mike Adler
Callaway Golf
Carol and Bruce Smalley
Carrie and Dan Rosencrans
Cheryl and Kerry Witham
Chris and Suzanne Plue
Coolidge Park – Victory
Dee Benyi and Janie Tomaro
Georgia Park – Victory
Grandpa Beck’s Games
Jessica and Andy Jackson
Joanne Verbeck and Bruce Ostrander
Kelley and Doug Mathis
Ken and Amy Thomas
Live Well Natural Medicine
Main Street Medical Verrado
Majestic Beauty Spa PLLC
Maureen and David Woods
Michelle and Ray Himmelberg
Pasadena Park – Victory
Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa, Indian Wells
Royal Sonesta Kaua’i Resort
Sloan Clack and Kathy Berrens
Susan and Ed Schoonover
Susan and Harvey Garte
Susanna and Curt Bressner
Terri and Mike Moore
The Wigwam
Tina and Peter Hutchinson
Todd and Jen Hill
Total Wine & More
Woody’s Workshop

Ember Level Donors
($250 – $999)
Fair Market Value

Albertson Companies Foundation
Amanda and Ken Williams
Andrea and Rick Cottrell
Angel and Kenneth Frauenthal
Annette and Tom Hodge
Arlene and Joe Huff and Friends
Barbara Manlick
Barbara Nist
Becky and Bob Lovejoy
Becky Kelley
Bev and Tom Barrett
Blackstone Country Club
Brian Mock
Carole and Ron Ellenberger
Carol Steenburgh
Cheryl and Mike Hobbs
Cheryl Karba
Chip and Brett Pill
Christine and Jim Imhof
Cindy and Dave Yackowski
Cindy and James O’Kelly
Cindy Pope
Colette and Brad Wright
Colleen and Ryan Harris
Cornelis Hollander
Costco Wholesale Grant
Danette and Jim Gilbert
Darci Chaffeur
Deb and David Lewy
Denise and Doug Litzinger
Denise and John Carter
Denise Cole
Dennis Sage Home Entertainment
Donna Dussault-Walker and John Walker
Empower Physical Therapy
Eric Hodge
Go Pest LLC
Green Pepper Catering
Hazelwood Park – Victory
Heather and Jarod Triplett
Hotel Distil
Inn at Port Ludlow
Janis and Greg Loucks
Jan Yu and Bill Sherman
Jill Diefenderfer
Joanne and Anthony Pence
Julie and Shimon Mizrahi
Julie and Travis Ingram
Julie Ralls
Kathy and Anthony Vitale
Kathy and John Goswitz
Kathy and Lou Polich
Laura and Kenny Mott
Laurie and Pete Carlson
Leslie and Doug Rager
Linda Borsos
Lindsay Walker
Lindsey Mondragon
Lisa and Al Rasband
Litchfield Auto Repair
Liz and Jim Warriner
Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
Margery and George Pentland
Mariposa Park – Victory
Marlene Kaiser
Mary Adams
Mary and Mike Ghan
Mary Ann and Gerry Bartley
Mary Solberg
McCormick Ranch Golf Club
Michael and Angela Clofine
Michelle and Stephen Andrews
Monica and Jim Rutherford
Nancy and Jeff Uhler
Nick Kondos
Nolan Teasley
Noni Sweet Treats and Custom Cakes
Palm Valley Golf Course
Palo Verde Pools and Outdoor Living
Pam Brown and Mike Hanzlick
Patti and Brad Lowes
Paula Dennis and Nan Kivi
PebbleCreek Golf
Peggy Moloney and Elisabeth Woosley
Pierson Park – Victory
Rainbow Ryders
Renee and Michelle Young
Samanatha Mott
Sharon and Peter Stabulonis
Sharon and William Wefring
Stephanie Fox
Stephanie Leuthesser
Sterling Grove Golf & Country Club
Sterling Shelton and Robin Wallmeyer
Sue Sidell
Sundance Golf Club
Tara and Jamey Morgan
Thairapy Salon
The Clancy, Autograph Collection
The Spa at the Victory Club
Tim McKay
Unraveled Travel
Verrado Golf Club
Vicki and Sully Sullivan
Vicki Hedges-Oldani and John Oldani
What’s Happen’n Art Movement
Yoga Ascension
Your Story Photos

Spark Level Donors
($100 – $249)
Fair Market Value

Andrew Magnus
Antigua Factory Outlet
Arizona Cardinals
Barb and Jeff Lee
Barb and Matt Huffman
Barro’s Pizza
Becca Simon
Betty and Joe Moore
Brad Hansen and Ryan Arndt
Carol Kinney and Ron Jones
Chris and Tom O’Hearn
Christopher Mansfield
Christy and Martin Pocs
Ciao Grazie
Cindy Smith
Coldwater Golf
Colleen Wright
Craftsman Cocktails & Kitchen
Danielle and Patrick Knowles
Danielle Bonn
Darla DeMercurio
David Fox
Dawn and Bob Weiland
Debbie and Kamal Ranchhod
Debbie and Mike Moore
Dee Johnson
Denise and Steve Fallon
Diana and David Link
Diana Duex
Donna and Rob Kurklen
Doris and Marc Rhodes
Dorothy Kidd-Rector
Eileen and Pat Brennan
Encore Salon Suites
For Goodness Cakes
Fran and Tom Milner
Frances Wiencek Tierney
Gayle Gombach
Gina and Jeff Threet
Heidi and Dennis Smith
Heritage Street Cooks
Home Depot
Inspiration Park – Victory
Jacki Crowther
Jan and Cory Shaffer
Janet and Peter Tumminelli
Janet Barry-Clapp and Les Ciapponi
Janice Hobson
Jeannine and Jim Grayson
Jeannine Unknown
Jessica Moussa
Jill Unknown
Jo Keys
Joyce Bailey
Judy Baumgartner
Julie and Jeff Petersen
Julie Kenyon
Justin Klug
Karen Mackie
Karin and Doug Wilson
Karla and Gary Gable
Karla Mccowin
Kat and Mike Prusinski
Kathy and Mark Gorchesky
Kathy Farnsworth and Steve Levitsky
Kathy Szklinski
Katy Erat
Kelly and John Hall
Kerrie Burkett
Kimberly and Kelly McIllece
King’s Fish House
Krista and Brad Warner
Lani VanderWerf
LaRae and Bill Weikert
Laurie Baxter
Linda and Bert Eaton
Linda and Dick Emmons
Linda and Stephen Turner
Linda Ballentine
Linda Cateriano
Linda Womack
Lisa Prokosch
Lisa Self
Lisse Essential Oils
Liz Legge
Liz S & Cody L Unknown
Loretta D’Addone
Malia Daehler
Margaret Tierney
Marilyn Brougher
Mary and Ron Parucki
MaryEllen Palmer
MaryKae Vranesic
Mary Unknown
Mia Muñoz
Michael Hardie
Michelle and Deral Bonner
Michelle and Paul White
Myra and Daniel Lookabill
Nancy and Dennis Goettsch
Nancy Peterson
Nanette Landry and John Herlevich
Nina and David Bond
Pam and Jay Dannenmann
Pam and Rob Starr
Pamela Tunnell
Patti Unterman
Patty Raymond
Penny Nikel
Ray’s Raquet
Rebecca and Glenn Latimer
Reeda and Jeff George
Renee Androsky
Rosemary Valdovinos
Roxane Vermeland
Sandy McDonald
Seattle Aquarium Society
Sharon and Craig Larson
skai link Jewlery
Stephanie and Dean Schwartz
Street Savvy Boutique
Studio Blanc – 5
Sue and Rick Braithwaite
Sugared Edge Bakery
Sunrise Bakery
Susan and Brad Hanson
Susan and Jim Leahey
Susan Welter
Suspiros Cakes Avondale
Tami Perdue and Marcia Everett
Tammy Canales
Tammy Kitterman
Tammy Scoggin
Taya and Mark Poitras
Teri and Frank Merlino
Teri and Jim Jamison
The Victory Club
Tom Unknown
Toni McLeod
Tracy Rose
Trudi and Dale Olson
VAI Resort
Valley Golf
Van’s Golf Shops
Vickie and Jay Sesnon
Victoria and Gordon Malthaner
Wendy and Greg Brown
Wendy and Tim Hughes
Yvonne and Bruce Schumacher