Volunteer Opportunities
HOT needs YOU!
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill’s philosophy is shared by the volunteers and donors who support HOT. We are a 100% volunteer organization. Volunteers experience the joy of giving back, knowing that their gift of both time both delights and creates a unforgettable memory.
Volunteers love spending time with HOT! Whether it’s helping to organize our Signature Event, purchasing, wrapping, or delivering Sugar Plum Fairies gifts to families at Christmas Time, or serving on one of our working committees, you’ll be inspired by your time with other HOT volunteers. Our volunteers add a dynamic layer to our collective efforts, enriching our community with their diverse perspectives, talents and an unwavering commitment to HOT.
HOT volunteers serve in six different capacities. Hover over each box below to find out more information about each position.
Board Member
Board Members serve at the highest level of the organization determining strategies for fundraising, approving budgets, and setting the vision for HOT. Each Board Member is also responsible for serving as a Committee Leader. Board members serve 2 year terms.
Committee Leader
Committee Leaders manage similar tasks across all projects and events. There are 7 committees in HOT and each of the 7 board members act as a leader for each of the committees.
Commitee Member
Committee Members help their Committee Leader with tasks assigned to the committee. Committee Member positions are posted below when there are openings. Volunteers are expected to commit to at least one year for this position, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.
Team Captain
Team Captains lead a team, which is a subset of a committee, hence the Team Captain is a Committee Member. Positions are posted below when there are openings. Volunteers are expected to commit to at least one year for this position, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.
Team Member
Team Members help a Team Captain with the planning process and other tasks specific to a team. Open team member positions are posted on Team App in either the News section or as a chat to the applicable Interest Groups. Volunteers are expected to commit to at least one year for this position, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.
Team Helper
Team Helpers are called into action when a team needs additional help with a specific task at a specific time. When helpers are needed, an event will be posted to Team App and those with an associated Interest Group will be invited. There is no long term commitment for this position, volunteers are only expected to help with the specific event(s) they sign up for.
Current Volunteer Position Openings
We’re on Volunteer Match! See the list of current open positions below or click the button at the bottom to see some of the open positions. Interested in an open position? Click the I Want to Help button on the Volunteer Match page -or- email our Volunteer Committee at volunteers@hotcommunityfoundation.org.